Monday, September 15, 2008

Long Time

Well, it has been a long time since I've posted a blog. I've been busy... with life.

Recently, a cousin of mine came over from Vietnam. About 2 months now. She and her husband and 3 children. Those of us who have been living here in the US for a long time (since early 80's or came over in 1975) wanted to know why she would want to do that. In appearance, she has everything over there - monies that her mother and father and sister send her every month to live on. They do not work. Their kids go to school, the oldest is in her 2nd year in college. They have a maid. The list goes on and on. For her, she think we live a wonderful life over here, big house, big car, big paying job.

So, I found out the truth. Because my cousin has family over here in the US, her mother-in-law constantly badger her for monies and material things. She said it was to the point that my cousin wanted to commit suicide. She said from the time she opens her eyes in the morning until she lay her head down at night. She was glad to get away from her. Her husband is dead weight - never worked a day since they've been married. Now, that they are here, they will have to get a job and pay taxes and car insurance. Oh, yeah, don't forget, if you own a car, you have to maintain it, oil change, tune-up. She is already learning about taxation and how we have to insure everything over here.

Well, there is that saying "The grass is NOT always greener on the other side".