A Game of Tennis
Recently, I picked up the game of tennis. It is very popular here in the area that we live. Tennis is a game played with rackets by two (called singles) or four players (called doubles). Players strike a hollow rubber ball covered in felt over a net into the opponent's court.
I started out only to get some exercise, to see if I can get my borderline high-blood pressure down. Now I'm addicted to it. I'm not a very athletic person but somehow this sport brings out the competitiveness in me. Granted, I'm only playing with friends, so it's just for fun, but I really like it.
Information about 'tennis' was retrieve from encyclopedia Wikipedia.
This comment is unrelated to tennis :-)
I am really enjoying your blog. Will spend some more time here having a proper look around soon. I also had a recent trip to Viet Nam that has spurred the desire to know more about my heritage. Prior to travelling to VN, my family had wanted me to start compiling our family history and this is what I am doing. But there is so much to learn before I can even begin to understand my family, let alone the country of my birth and the people here - as well as all over the world, scattered because of a war we don't really understand.
Anyway, the blogging world is helping immensely and your site is terrific.
warm wishes,
I love tennis. If you ever make a trip back to Viet Nam, let me know and we play a set Ok hehe
VNGod - you're on! :)
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